Any value in your Digi Khata Account must be utilized:
Within 18 months from the date of your last transaction or
Within 18 months from the date of activation; whichever is later.
Digi Khata shall follow the following communication process before deactivating the account:
Digi Khata will send 45 days advance communication to Customers for outstanding amount in Digi Khata by SMS at the mobile number on which Services have been activated.
In case no response is received from the customer within the next 15 days, a second reminder will be sent to the customer to respond within the next 15 days.
Again if no response is received on the third reminder, the account will be blocked/ deactivated and will be unblocked/ activated only on request of the account holder, on due diligence of the requester.
Therefore in total 45 days prior intimation is to be given to the customer before deactivation/ expiry of their account.
This amount will be blocked for a period of three (03) years during which the account holder can request for unblocking the>
For unblocking the account at this stage, proper Customer Due diligence should be done and Full KYC should be collected from the customers.
In case no request for reactivating the account is received beyond three (03) years, The account shall be marked as abandoned and the amount available in the Wallet will be tagged in the system as forfeited and sent to Board for approval.
Post Board approval forfeited amount will be recognized as income in books of account of the Company.